Saturday, 9 February 2013

Going to Africa? How to maintain your hairstyle

Braided Hair Styles

Deciding to get your hair braided before you travel to Africa is a great idea as the weather there is is generally hot, and sometimes can get dusty and windy. Keeping the hair braided saves you having to brush or style the hair on a daily basis, and helps protect the hair from drying, and the elements as well. Fortunelty, there is a fantastic array of braided hair styles to choose from. Africa is the home of braiding, so finding a hair-dresser who can do your chosen style will not be too hard.
There are several local salons where you can get your hair braided, starting from about $25, and there is often more choice in terms of the braid hair available.

General Tips Maintaining Hair while in Africa
Its a good idea to pack some of your own hair products with you, particularly if you have Afro hair that is chemically permed or straightened. This is for two reasons.  There is an array of fake products available, secondly, premium hair care products such as Mizani, Kera care can be way more expensive to buy in Africa, so you may as well pack them with you before you travel.

Keep the dust away and Pack a scarf with you for those dusty/windy days.

Try out the local salons you can get excellent hair  treatments for a fraction of the price. I used to get my hair washed and blow dried in kampala for 5,000, which is the equivalent of $2.50,

Keep your hair moisturized  vitamin D from the sun can be excellent in helping the hair grow, but it can also dry out the hair. Getting conditioning treatments is particularly needed when in the hot climate can will help protect the hair from getting excessively dry.

Wearing a headscarf is also a great way to keep the dust away as well as protect the hair from the harsh sun. If you have died or colored your hair, keeping the hair moisturized is particularly important.

Hope you find these tips helpful.

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